Boosters & Cash
I have watched a Video offer but have not received my Free Boosters & Cash
If you have watched a video but have not received a reward, it is possible that the video was interrupted at some point. Usually reasons are...
Can I use a VPN while completing the offers?
The use of any tool or device that spoofs your original IPs (like VPNs to access other countries' offers) or in any other way that exploits...
Why do I receive only one gift per day from my friends?
As a game rule you can receive only one gift of each type per day from your friends. Gifts that you can receive are: treatments, morale boos...
Why do I have a limited amount of available videos?
When it comes to video ads, providers show them according to different criteria. Our advice is to just keep checking the game regularly. Als...
How can I get Boosters & Cash?
You can buy boosters and cash using tokens or you can watch videos to earn them. To access these videos go to Shop menu, then tap Currencies...
Can I play video ads on my PC?
At the moment video ads are only available on the mobile version of the game.