What is Training Uplift?
Training Uplift is an additional way of maximising your Teamplay Form gains. At times of sudden bursts of motivation, one player can contrib...
Sharpness: What is it?
Sharpness is an indication of how aligned your player is with your Teamplay strategies. It helps players make the most out of the Teamplay F...
What are regular Training Drills and Teamplay Drills used for?
The most important part of being a Manager is to know how to get the best out of your players! All hard work on the training ground bec...
What is Teamplay Form?
Give your training sessions more depth and expand your players’ potential by increasing your Teamplay Form! Teamplay Form (previously k...
What is the Player Academy?
Player Academy is a training space designated for improvement of your players in every particular skill, direction or area of the pitch. Thi...
Why aren’t my players eligible for Personal Training?
Your players’ eligibility for a Personal Trainer depends on their age. Players that are over 30 cannot be trained by a Personal Trainer.
How can I train my player for a new position?
You have a chance to train your player for an additional role. To do that:Enter the Squad menu and choose a player;Click on the plus sign ne...
Can a squad member in the Player Academy quit the training?
Training cannot be canceled by any means, it must be finished for the player to return to the squad.Keep track of the training progress and ...
How can I use treatments?
The purpose of treatments is to heal a player who has had an injury. You can click on the player and, under the section Injuries in his prof...
How much time my players need to rest after a match?
Your players rest 6% every three hours. However, if you don’t want to wait, you can use rest boosters. Rests are available for purchase, as ...