We try to answer your most common questions in our FAQs, and if you still need help you can contact us directly from our mobile app via the in-game Help function, after reading these FAQ entries. That's the best and fastest way to get in touch with us, because this way we have access to your account information and can react much faster.
On the other hand, we know there might be cases where you need to get in touch with us directly:
I can't access my account / team
If you have lost access to your account, simply start a new game selecting Play as guest, and contact us from there with the following information of your original account:
- Your first name and surname.
- The exact name of your TE team.
- Explain how you lost it.
- Let us know if you are contacting us from the device you want to recover your team on.
I can't open Top Eleven in my device