Click the item bag icon at bottom of the main page. Click the "Ball" section and you can find each ball's property by tapping it.



What do these numbers mean?


The 3 values on the ball card stand for 3 different properties.

  • The Elasticity value ranges from -5 to 5.

At -5~-1, this value increases the ball's "Stop" ability. The lower the value is, the better the "Stop" ability will be. Namely, a ball with this value at -2 will stop rolling faster than a ball with this value at -1.

At 1~5, this value increases the ball's "Jump" ability. The higher the value is, the better the "Jump" ability will be. Namely, a ball with this value at 2 will jump farther than a ball with this value at 1.

  • The Wind value also ranges from -5 to 5.

At -5~-1, this value increases the ball's "Wind Resistance" ability. The lower the value is, the better the "Wind Resistance" ability will be. Namely, a ball with this value at -2 will reduce the effect of wind more than a ball with this value at -1. 

At 1~5, this value increases the ball's "Windward" ability. The higher the value is, the better the "Windward" ability will be. Namely, a ball with this value at 2 will be pushed farther by the wind than a ball with this value at 1.

  • The Power value ranges from 1 to 5

This value increases the ball's "Power" ability. The higher the value is, the farther the ball will fly after being released.


What is Power property?

When your ball lands in the Rough/Bunker, your shot distance will be reduced because of the influence of a debuff.


Your shot would land in the "yellow rectangle zone". If you make a "perfect shot", it would land on the black point in the middle of the yellow zone but not the red point in the circle (without considering the wind).


Special balls or legendary clubs with the "Debuff" ability let you reduce/ignore the influence of debuffs on your shot.


The "Power" ability will not only reduce the influence of debuff but also provide extra power according to the club you use.

Level 1  2% extra power

Level 2  4% extra power

Level 3  6% extra power

For example: when you use level 9 Earth club with 295 Power, and a level 2 "Power" special ball, your power would be 295+295*4%=306.8. 

The extra distance will be showed like this:


Please note that in the top view, the power icon won't be displayed unless reaching a certain distance.


The properties of balls

mceclip3.png mceclip4.png

Jump: mceclip6.png Jump property can increase ball elasticity.

Stop: mceclip7.png  Stop property can reduce ball elasticity.

Wind Resistance: mceclip8.png  The Wind Resistance property can reduce the wind effect.

Windward: mceclip9.png The Windward property can increase the wind effect.

Power: mceclip10.png The Power property shows the power and the debuff reduction of a ball.